Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hmm, I Wonder if these Techniques Could be Used in Martial Arts Training

Martial artists often incorporate meditation into their training. I haven't encountered anything as frustrating as meditation. In my two days that I spent Go gool temple in Kyungju I spent a lot of time meditating. Nobody really gave me much of an explanation as to how to meditate. They often just say that you should focus on your breathing.

However, a recent article in the New York Times does a nice job of describing the process of memory training. The article is titled "Secrets of a Mind Gamer," and it describes how memory athletes build "memory palaces," in their brains so that they can memorize things better. It also talks about an ancient Greek book that details how to build these memory palaces.

There is also a section in the article about the differences in the way that professionals and amateurs practice. The article has a lot of interesting points for martial artists.

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